Volunteer / Get Involved

Volunteer info for parents

Volunteers are always welcome at  Dallas Elementary. Some members of our community volunteer for the following:

  • Noon Hour Supervision (contact Vice Principal Amanda Nixon: Email LINK)
  • One to One Reading Program (contact Rebecca Jaccard: Email LINK)
  • Volunteering in classrooms for volunteer hours for Education Programs etc  (contact Principal Sullivan: Email LINK)
  • PAC Hot Lunch Distribution (contact PAC Chair Amanda Robinson: Email LINK)
  • Classroom activities as organized by staff (contact classroom teacher)

Criminal Record Checks

All volunteers who work with our students in any capacity (in the school, chaperone on field trips or as parent drivers) must complete a Criminal Record Check, and provide a copy to the office, PRIOR to volunteering.

The fastest way to get a criminal record check completed is by doing it online through the CRC. The link for our school is now live , but before you begin you will need to install the BC Services App on your smart device (phone, ipad or tablet). Once you have downloaded the BC Services App you will need to open the app on your device and to personalize it with your information. The CRC uses the BC services app to verify your identity for the Criminal Records Check. Once you have the BC services app installed and personalized on your smart device,  you can then click on the link below and enter the unique access code for Dallas to complete your criminal records check. When the criminal records check is completed through the  BC Services App, the processing time, we are told, is anywhere between 24-72hrs. 

Online Link: https://justice.gov.bc.ca/criminalrecordcheck
Access Code: BZ9YP92CJJ

Questions? Technical Support for Online Criminal Checks? Please see the supporting docs below.
eCRC Applicant Guide
eCRC Online Service with the BC Services App

If you prefer not to have your criminal record check completed online , volunteers may submit a paper application through the school to the Ministry of Public Safety.  If this is your preference, you will need to complete a Volunteer to Consent to a Criminal Record Check form and provide 2 pieces of government issued ID to the school, as the school office must verify your identity before submitting the application on your behalf.  This process can take up to 2 weeks.

You can also choose to submit an application in person to the local RCMP (or rural detachment, if you live outside the city limits).  You will need to pick up a letter and application from the school and deliver the completed forms to the RCMP detachment.  You will need 2 pieces of government issued photo identification (if driver’s license and carecard are combined, please make sure to take an alternate piece eg. passport). This process generally takes 2-10 days.


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